El proyecto europeo LIFE ALGAECAN celebró el día 19 de junio su segunda reunión de monitorización en las instalaciones de HUERCASA, en el término municipal de Sanchonuño (Segovia), donde los socios de la iniciativa pusieron en común los avances logrados en el último...
The project’s demonstration plant is located in HUERCASA facilities with the photovoltaic system assembled on top and all the equipment ready to start the first tests with HUERCASA’s wastewater. The prototype will work with renewable energy (solar and...
Chemistry students from the University of Salamanca visit the laboratories, equipment and pilot plants of CARTIF.The objectives and development of the LIFE ALGAECAN project were presented along with the different equipment used in this wastewater treatment process...
Representatives of Huercasa, a partner in the project, participated this week in the international fresh produce fair FRUIT LOGÍSTICA 2019, which takes place in Berlin between February 6 and 8. The objective of exposing the project is to publicize the main objectives,...
The LIFE ALGAECAN project has participated in the 2nd technical conference ‘Circular Economy and Microalgae: Bioproducts for the chemical, energy and agricultural industries’, at the facilities of the National Center for Renewable Energies (CENER) in...