Oct 22, 2021 | News
The promotional video of the project is now available both on our YouTube channel and in the multimedia section of the project website. This video shows the wastewater treatment technology for fruit and vegetable processing developed from the cultivation of...
Sep 13, 2021 | News
We have available new surveys to know the opinion and interest of the companies about the technology and microalgae products developed in the project once they are already validated. These companies may belong to the fruit and vegetable processing food sector that...
Feb 11, 2021 | News
A report on the assessment of effluent and microalgae quality by end use is being developed for the two demonstration sites. This report provides a database including the possible uses of the effluent obtained in the LIFE ALGAECAN project. Therefore, new market...
Nov 26, 2020 | News
Due to winter conditions this month, the demonstration has been temporarily shut down, as snow and ice prevent the microalgae ponds from operating. Operation will resume in spring 2021, when VIPI will be back in production season.
Sep 22, 2020 | News
Heterotrophic microalgae cultivation tests are being carried out with the wastewater from the agri-food company VIPI. A microalgal inoculum adapted to VIPI wastewater was used in order to compare the efficacy of the treatment with the previously used non-adapted...
May 7, 2020 | News
The treatment plant is installed at the second demonstration site VIPI, a juice and beverage company. Despite the problems we are experiencing with the Covid-19 pandemic, the first microalgae cultivation with fresh water and algae provided by Algen, experts from the...