The team of researchers of the LIFE ALGAECAN project at CARTIF has participated in the LIFE16 project launch meeting in Brussels, Belgium. This event, which the European Commission organizes every year in the offices of EASME (European Commission, Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises)
It serves to offer the coordinators of the projects of the LIFE call an overview of the relevant political issues, the rules of the LIFE Program, their interaction with EASME and the role of the external monitoring team in the implementation of the projects. In addition, financial and technical issues are discussed, as well as information on projects, dissemination and communication.
The CARTIF technology center was represented by the teams from the LIFE16 projects that it coordinates: LIFE GYSTRA, LIFE ALCHEMIA and LIFE ALGAECAN, in addition to others in which it participates, such as LIFE REFIBRE.