The project / Objectives
To demonstrate the technical and economic feasibility of an innovative concept for fruit and vegetables processing industry (FVPI) wastewater treatment based on heterotrophic microalgae culture to substitute, in the long term, the traditional aerobic digestion as preferred method for the treatment of these streams since instead of waste sludge and nutrients losses, added-value microalgae are produced.
To provide managers of FVPI with a cost-effective process for on-site treatment of streams rich in organic matter, nutrients and salts.
To replicate this model in facilities of two European countries (Spain and Slovenia).
To transfer the project findings in two follower facilities (one in Greece and one in Germany).
To promote the transferability of the LIFE ALGAECAN model to other facilities and EU members.
To demonstrate the commercial interest of the technology and the algae-based product obtained. Two product assays and a market analysis will assess the market potential.
To encourage the active involvement of interested parties in the implementation of the Water Directive and in support to the resource efficiency-related policy, including the Roadmap to a Resource Efficient Europe.
During the project execution specific stakeholders from target sectors (FVPI, animal feed and fertiliser industries, policy-makers, etc.) will be engaged to ensure the fulfilment of the abovementioned objectives.